Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 109 commentaires et rétroaction

Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

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Karen Vecchio

As the Member of Parliament for Elgin-Middlesex-London, my office has hosted and participated in many discussions on the proposed federal redistribution of our region.

There are key concerns that leaders, politicians, agriculture producers, small businesses and service organizations have shared in the submissions attached.

I believe my experience as a constituency assistant to the former Member of Parliament has provided me a unique view of the riding. The integration of local services at all levels of governments is important to the residents of these areas and the submissions will indicate that strength. Locally our constituency office serves thousands of people annually on files including Canada Child Benefit; Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan; Passports; Employment Insurance; Canada Summer Jobs; Indigenous Affairs; Immigration and Citizenship and Public Safety. The ability to coordinate services for those who are most vulnerable in our community is important and the simple principle of keeping municipalities and communities together is key.

Thank you for your consideration.

Karen Vecchio
Member of Parliament
Former Executive Assistant to the Former Member of Parliament
Community Advocate for a lifetime

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