Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 117 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Marcel Meyer

Good evening. I know there are a lot of people here tonight to speak so I will try and be short but want to make sure the committee knows that we believe this plan for redistribution is misguided.

My name is Marcel Meyer. I am a resident of Thames Centre, former 18 year elected member of municipal government, Farmer, and a current vice president of the Middlesex Federation of Agriculture. This evening's presentation is on behalf of the Middlesex Federation of Agriculture and myself, a resident of Thames Centre.

When the redistribution information became public and I saw the new boundaries being planned, I immediately signed up to be a speaker because I believe the proposed boundaries are flawed, harmful to our communities and do not represent the best interest of the rural communities of Elgin-Middlesex-London and Lambton-Kent-Middlesex. The ridings for Middlesex county.

Frankly, I will agree that change is always difficult to accept but if there is logic and good reason for a change than generally people will accept the change. We do not see the logic to what is being proposed. There is not good reason for this change. We as a riding Elgin-Middlesex-London and Lambton-Kent-Middlesex fit the current required criterial. With the planned development potential in the next 10 years, we will be doing this all over again in 10 years. Why not wait to see where the development happens and than move boundaries if required. More importantly look at the criteria in making ridings

  1. Respect communities with common interest and their history
  2. Respect historical electoral boundaries and
  3. Maintain the average geographic size +/- 25%

In all of these categories, our ridings are currently within the criteria.

It clearly should be about how to best serve the people and our communities. To that end, please do not make the proposed changes.

Currently we are largely a rural agricultural community with small town interests. Except for a very small portion on the city of London, St Thomas, Strathroy and Wallaceburg are the largest communities in our riding which are centrally based from which many of the services are provided. And no municipalities are divided.

Our most important going away point is Municipalities should not be divided period. Not in to two and definitely not in to three especially if they are relatively small. Our communities will be lost in the confusion of who represents us. The confusion this will create when constituents are looking for assistance with their specific issues or when municipalities are looking to senior levels of government for services. It will become so much more difficult to access and truly our communities will be forgotten. Economic development, healthcare, social services and day to day needs all will be forgotten.

I get the feeling this is a done deal and our comments won't matter. I sincerely hope I am wrong and was pleased to hear this evening that this is a beginning point.

So in closing, I ask you to give serious attention and consideration to our comments. They are heart felt in wanting to keep our community great.

My colleague from Lambton County will be giving other suggestions on how Middlesex could stay together if status quo is truly not an option but the Middlesex Federation of Agriculture, which represents over 1,800 farmer, is asking the commission to leave the boundaries along and certainly allow no municipality to be divided between multiple ridings. Middlesex county will not be represented well if we get split from 2 voices to 5 or 6. Please have a second look to leave Middlesex County as it was.

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