Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 127 commentaires et rétroaction

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Nick Emery

I am a resident of London West and do not support the proposed revised boundaries for my electoral district for the following reasons:

  • The revised boundaries encompasses an area that is a much less homogeneous community than the existing boundary and includes more rural area. Rural issues are already under-represented in federal and provincial politics and will be further diminished by the proposed boundary revision;
  • The revised boundaries include the southwest portion of London which is an area that will continue to grow rapidly in the coming years. Issues faced by voters in this area are significantly different than those of residents located north of Southdale Road;
  • The revised boundary does not coincide with the provincial electoral boundary. Having identical provincial and federal boundaries makes it easier for MPs and MPPs to connect and discuss common issues within the electoral district. It also makes things easier for voters to know their electoral district, who their representatives are, and where and how to vote.

The proposed electoral boundaries should be redrawn with more regard to group voters with common issues and interests so that they can be better served by their elected officials. The boundaries currently proposed appear to be based solely on evenly dividing the population and will result in electoral districts with diverging or potentially conflicting internal interests.


Nick Emery

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