Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 128 commentaires et rétroaction

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Pam Macginnis

In looking over the proposed changes for Lambton-Kent -Middlesex riding I am saddened to see that whole rural towns are divided in half. Wondering what those people who do not have a vehicle, rides or even drive are supposed to do. It's apparent that those who divided up the riding have zero clue as to what living in a rural community is all about. No- we don't have buses, go trains, subway , taxis. 93% of Ontarions live in much small cities and towns than Toronto and Ottawa. Yet- those people support the big cities with food, lumbar, tiles etc. There's an old saying- If it's not broke- don't fix it.

Maybe all ridings apart fromToronto don't want to be fixed

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