Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 139 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ron Ellis

Ms. Paula Puddy
Commission Secretary
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
London, Ontario

Dear Ms. Puddy and Commissioners for Ontario,

I am writing as a long-time volunteer with the Drayton Festival and supporter of the performing arts in rural Ontario in support of keeping the Perth and Wellington parts of Perth—Wellington together in the same electoral district as we have been since 2004.

The Drayton Festival Theatre is the original theatre in the Drayton Entertainment collection of theatres. Since it was founded over three decades ago it has grown and expanded to include several more theatres across Ontario. Many of these theatres span as far as Grand Bend, Cambridge, and Penetanguishene, making it impossible to keep them within the same electoral district.

Fortunately, since the current boundaries of Perth—Wellington were created in 2004 a compromise has been met. Placing the Township of Mapleton in the same district as Stratford two important theatre companies, the Drayton Festival Theatre and the Stratford Festival Theatre has provided both companies with stronger representation at both the federal and provincial levels of government.

Putting Stratford and Drayton within the same electoral district of Perth—Wellington unites the performing arts community and gives us a louder voice. This is especially important for Drayton, who alone would likely be overlooked in a rural community where the performing arts are generally not considered a major economic interest. It is also important to recognize that theatres and performers outside of the major urban centers have different challenges than their counterparts elsewhere in the province. Even if strong representation for the performing arts community were to come from places such as Toronto, those voices are unlikely to reflect the unique realities faced by those of us in Drayton and Stratford.

I believe keeping Mapleton and Stratford in the same electoral district will continue to provide the performing arts

community in our region with strong federal and provincial representation that reflects the unique nature of theatre in our rural communities.

Thank you for your consideration,

Ron Ellis

Volunteer of the Drayton Festival and Resident of Mapleton Township

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