Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 25 commentaires et rétroaction

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Angela Cammaert

Subject: Proposed Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution Elgin-Middlesex-London

Rural communities are essential to the Canadian economy. Our communities produce 30% of Canada's gross domestic product, with 220,000 rural businesses representing 17% of employers. Rural area employment opportunities include jobs in food production, hospitality, construction, tourism, and transportation. Likewise, our rural municipalities maintain their assets, capabilities, and services.

Elections Canada currently shows Elgin- Middlesex-London population as 115,052 with a total population change of +4.5%.

Using the data, historical patterns, our geographic size and the communities' diverse interests, Elgin – Middlesex - London meets the criteria for the riding to be left unchanged. Many communities in Elgin-Middlesex-London are on the front line of demographic urbanization furthermore, under the standards:

  • The proposed change within Elgin-Middlesex-London further increases the complexity for Municipalities seeking to engage the federal government. Political parties could have contradictory positions on critical infrastructure projects.
  • Rural areas often have fewer resources for public infrastructure, affordable housing, and other crucial services. Dividing the district could increase bottlenecks by splitting municipal boundaries between two ridings where funding is shared through provincial and municipal services.
  • The proposed riding of Elgin-Middlesex-Thames and London-South-St. Thomas does not respect the historical pattern of Elgin County or the Municipality of Central Elgin electoral districts.
  • By splitting the Municipality of Central Elgin in Elgin-Middlesex-St.Thomas, it removes the unified community identity. There is a substantial risk of diluting the rural voice for urbanization by breaking the district into two areas; the most notable is John Wise Line.
  • The geographic size of the new proposed electoral district for Elgin-Middlesex- Thames would increase the district to the disproportionate size of 6,262km2 .
  • The endorsement inevitably could impact provincial ridings as they generally echo Federal districts. Elgin County and our Municipalities currently share services with the City of St. Thomas, including social services, housing, long-term care, and administration. Changes will inevitably alter already strained programs and services.

In the historical connection between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin, including the existing joint service programs, we would propose considering a Federal District of the City of St Thomas - Elgin County.

Angela Cammaert

Director, Elgin Federation of Agriculture

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