Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 26 commentaires et rétroaction

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Rob Burns and Audrey Burns

Thank you for the work accomplished as you lead with integrity in our province of Ontario. I write to you with a real concern over the proposed redrawing of the riding boundaries in Ontario, and specifically, our riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex.

The proposed creation of the riding of Elgin-Middlesex-Thames neglects the importance of keeping our communities together, at a time when it is most needed. Our province and ridings have been dealt a heavy blow with COVID and all its measures. To bring along another plan that divides seems not a reasonable proposal at this time. The Commission's proposal divides counties and municipalities, which could cause the distribution of services and historically established travel networks to be disrupted. For example, this riding has always represented the interests of the Kettle Point indigenous community, which has expressed their desire to continue living and working alongside service providers within Lambton-Shores.

We need boundaries that preserve our unique rural heritage, and I wonder if the Commission has taken rural distinctives into account when developing its proposals. By mixing the needs of the large urban area and needs of the small rural areas, the residents of the rural communities will often be forgotten or neglected. I believe that the proposal put forward by Member of Parliament Lianne Rood is a proposal that would deliver the best interest of the constituents, businesses and First Nations people of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex county.

Additionally, the brief time frame provided makes the people feel like they have been walked over. I believe this decision did not take into consideration the ongoing municipal elections.

I fail to see the need or urgency of dividing this riding. If the redrawing is deemed imperative it would be beneficial to have at least three months to look at the pros and cons of the proposed redrawing of our riding of Lambton-Kent- Middlesex.


Rob and Audrey Burns

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