Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 32 commentaires et rétroaction

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Bev Shipley, former MP for Lambton – Kent – Middlesex

Attention: Honourable members of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

I appreciate the opportunity to write to you regarding the proposed riding boundaries – particularly those concern Lambton Kent Middlesex (LKM). I believe we can agree that trying to establish a fair representation in the number of constituents in a riding can be difficult. In LKM that can be achieved relatively easy.

I know how important it is, when possible, to keep our rural, small urban communities, municipal and county governments under the service of one federal Member of Parliament. From past experiences as a business owner, Municipal Councillor, Mayor, County Warden, and Member of Parliament, I have found that splitting those responsibilities, makes providing of services for municipalities and businesses much less effective and efficient for all. I have also found it can sometimes cause unnecessary conflict.

What we desire to achieve is a more effective and efficient representation for First Nations, local tier governments, businesses and the individual constituents. One relevant example is that the Kettle Point Indigenous community has expressed a strong desire to remain in the riding of LKM so they can continue to live, work and prosper alongside the services provided by Lambton Shores.

I understand that the number of constituents that an M.P. represents needs to be tweaked from time to time to meet the population criteria. I ask that you strongly consider the proposal that M.P. Lianne Rood has submitted. It accomplishes the desired constituent population ratio for LKM as well as the other affected ridings. Just as important, it reflects and maintains a balance of our rural and urban and indigenous communities.

Thank you for your consideration of these changes.


Bev Shipley, M.P. retired

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