Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 33 commentaires et rétroaction

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Trevor Hallam, CAO/Clerk, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry

Municipality of Morris-Turnberry

Dear Ms. Puddy,

The Council of the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry has reviewed the proposed plan for the redistribution of federal electoral districts in Ontario. Council expressed concerns regarding the proposed boundary for South Huron shores, and has passed motion 223-2022 as follows:

Motion 223-2022

Moved by Kevin Freiburger

Seconded by Jamie McCallum

Whereas The Federal Electoral District Redistribution Commission for Ontario has released proposed boundaries for an amended electoral district to be known as South Huron Shores;

And whereas The proposed boundary of South Huron Shores excludes certain areas of current the Huron-Bruce electoral district, including the Township of Howick;

And whereas the Township of Howick is an integral partner municipality within the County of Huron, sharing services, economic, and cultural interests with Morris-Turnberry, other municipalities within Huron County, and Huron County itself;

And whereas the Township of Howick has benefitted from shared Federal and Provincial representation and advocacy in relation to those shared interests;

And whereas the Ontario Commission has discretion to consider social and geographic factors in its decisions, including respect for communities of interest or identity and historical patterns of previous electoral boundaries;

Now therefore The Council of the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry hereby requests that the Ontario Commission consider adjusting the proposed boundary for South Huron Shores to include the Township of Howick;

And that notice of this request be sent to the Ontario Commission, MP Ben Lobb, MPP Lisa Thompson, the Township of Howick, the County of Huron, all Huron County Municipalities, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.


Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Trevor Hallam
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry

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