Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 35 commentaires et rétroaction

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Rachel Anstett, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Huron

Please find attached a Letter from the Council of the Municipality of Central Huron that outlines their concerns with the proposed redistribution of the Huron-Bruce District by the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission.

Thank you,

Rachel Anstett
Deputy Clerk
Municipality of Central Huron

RE: Proposal for Ontario's Federal Electoral

Dear Ms. Puddy,

The Council of the Municipality of Central Huron supports and agrees with Huron County Council's comments regarding their concerns with the proposed redistribution of the Huron-Bruce District by the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission.

Central Huron Council are specifically concerned and do not support the proposal to remove the Township of Howick from the Huron-Bruce District and have therefore passed the following resolution at their October 3, 2022 Regular Council Meeting:


Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Robinson That Staff are directed to send a letter to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission that outlines Central Huron Council's concerns of the proposed redistribution of the Huron-Bruce District; And

That Council does not support the removal of the Township of Howick from the Huron-Bruce District.


Thank you for taking Central Huron Council's concerns into consideration when

deciding next steps on the redistribution proposal of the Huron-Bruce District.


Rachel Anstett

Deputy Clerk

Municipality of Central Huron

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