Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 54 commentaires et rétroaction

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Bob Ashcroft

Attached is my input on the proposed change to the Elgin-Middlesex-London riding.

Oct. 27, 2022

Robert and Stella Ashcroft
St. Thomas, Ontario

To Commission for Ontario Redistribution

We are writing to express our concerns and disappointment regarding the proposed changes to the riding we reside in, Elgin, Middlesex, London.

St. Thomas has historically been the center of the Elgin riding and is a combination of rural and urban economies.

The proposed integration of St. Thomas into a solely urban riding is in our opinion a mistake and will lead to loss of representation for the residents of St Thomas. London south is much larger and has shown no interest in the issues facing St. Thomas.

On the other hand, Elgin County will be diffused and have no central core to seat representation.

The overtone to us is a desire to push St. Thomas towards some form of amalgamation with the City of London.

This move looks to have a political motivation to lessen the rural conservative influence on the growing population of St Thomas.

Bottom line is if it isn't broken don't fix it.


Robert and Stella Ashcroft

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