Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 62 commentaires et rétroaction

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Cheryl Norman

As a constituent of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex I am concerned with the proposed restructuring of our riding. The proposed plan fails to address distribution of services and the historically established travel networks. The proposed distribution divides communities of interest and is geographically clumsy.

I recognize that the main criteria for electoral boundaries is population equality. In order to achieve this criteria our riding requires to be changed. An alternate proposal per discussions with the MP Lianne Rood’s office, would be to include Lambeth in our riding and exclude the Township of Dawn-Euphemia from our riding. There would be increased population in the Sarnia-Lambton riding and the Lambton-Kent-Middlesex riding and a decrease in Elgin-Middlesex-London riding. This more acceptable restructuring of the riding will fulfill the constitutional obligations, address the needs of the constituents and be less disruptive.

I respectfully ask you to review this proposal.

Cheryl Norman

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