Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 96 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jeff Robinson, Nancy Robinson

Elgin MIddlesex london

The proposal is completely blind to existing communities and networks that exist. The proposed redistribution could make personal/face to face encounters with elected officials difficult, if not impossible, due to the distances involved. While we may appear to have similar(rural) approaches with the proposed new boundary they are all very different communities which have evolved and developed with different approaches. Throwing these communities together would make our voices potentially weaker in the federal government and would make communicating our riding issues much more challenging and less effective(as we will have less in common with those who are not currently in our riding/community)

This proposal ignores the history of our community and the factors that make us an effective voice for our people.

Jeff and Nancy Robinson

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