Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 97 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jesse VY

The proposed changes for this riding are ridiculous. As a citizen of Aylmer Ontario cutting St Thomas out of our riding is insulting to the local area and rural population.

St Thomas is basically the city for our area. I go to the dentist in st Thomas, I curl in St Thomas I play soccer in St Thomas, I grocery shop in St Thomas, my friends and family live in St Thomas. As a voter I am interested in the growth and development of St Thomas.

I have never even been to Strathroy, I don't know people in that tiny strip of rural land north of London. I don't have any connection to Lambton county.

This redistricting would only solidify that my riding would vote conservative forever and take out any liberal and ndp voters that exists in the city of St Thomas. Those voters north of London are definitely going to be more interested in the politics of London more than the politics of Aylmer or and other small town along the lake front. Where as citizens of St Thomas go to Port Stanley or Port Burwell on their weekends. Kids of the families in St Thomas play highschool sports against kids in Aylmer and Glencoe.

I ask you to please reconsider this proposed change because St Thomas is THE city for this rural area along the lake.

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