Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 34 (23 août 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

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James Bezan, MP


I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the 2022 Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Manitoba ("the Commission") for their thoughtful proposal, dedication, and hard work in drafting the proposed boundary redistribution for the 14 electoral districts in the Province of Manitoba. In particular, I offer my full support of the guiding principles employed by the Commission in making the difficult and onerous decisions on how to redraw the riding boundaries in Manitoba which ensures electoral fairness for voters and democratic equivalency of elected parliamentarians.


After carefully analyzing the Manitoba proposal by the Commission to the province's 14 electoral districts, I agree with the decision to provide leeway on the population variance when it comes to the thoughtful expansion of the riding of Churchill-Keewatinook Aski. Although the -7.02% variance is 2% lower than the -5% to +5% average population guideline, we cannot lose sight of the fact the riding already geographically covers over 76% of our province's landmass. Additionally, it presents the challenge of having many remote northern communities that are only accessible by plane, thus making the task of staying in direct contact with constituents both difficult and costly for elected officials.

On the issue of renaming one riding in Manitoba, it is both reasonable and long overdue. The change of Charleswood-St. James-Assinibioa-Headingley to Winnipeg West, is welcomed news. It is both inclusive and reflects the addition of more rural municipalities which are home to commuters who work and do business in Winnipeg.

However, despite that fact, the addition of a small portion of the Rural Municipality (RM) of Portage la Prairie to the riding of Winnipeg West with only a population of 80 people is discombobulated and ill-advised.

It was also surprising to see the RM of Woodlands moved from Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman to Portage-Lisgar. Although municipalities in the South Interlake region have previously been part of the historical Portage-Interlake riding, the RM of Woodlands is very much part of the Interlake community. The communities of Woodlands and Warren use Stonewall as their main business service centre, are active in the South Interlake Community Foundation and South West District Pallative Care Inc., among others. Additionally, the municipality falls under the Interlake Eastern Regional Health Authority and the Interlake School Division, and the RM of Woodlands is part of the South Interlake Planning District. Furthermore, the ranching, farming and manufacturing activities in the municipality are very similar to the composition of resource use and business industries that are common throughout the Interlake region.

Finally, I concur with the addition of the RM of Whitemouth to Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman to help compensate for the continuous, rapid population growth in the riding of Provencher. I also support uniting the communities of Little Saskatchewan First Nation and Lake St. Martin First Nation within the Churchill-Keewootnik Aski electoral district through the allocation of property both communities have acquired over the past decade in the RM of Grahamdale.

Suggested ammendents

Based upon the observations noted above, and embracing the guiding principles of the Commission, the following changes are recommended to the Manitoba Commission's proposal:

  1. To respect commerce and transit flows, plus ensuring communities of like interest are kept together, the RM of Woodlands should remain in the electoral district of Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman thus adding 3,797 people back into the riding.
  2. Based upon the desire to keep municipalities and communities intact, it is recommended the Commission transfer back to Portage-Lisgar the section of the RM of Portage la Prairie that was proposed to be added to Winnipeg West. This ensures the municipality is wholly represented by one Member of Parliament. Population impact on redistribution is only 80 persons.
  3. Finally, to meet the fundamental principle of voter parity by respecting the population variance range of 10% (-5% to +5% of the provincial average), the Commission move the RM of Rosser, with a population of 1,270 people, from Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman to the riding of Winnipeg West. Although the RM of Rosser shares similarities with the municipalities of the South Interlake region, it also has significant connections to the other three rural municipalities which are included in Winnipeg West, as well as with the City of Winnipeg. These include:
    1. membership in the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region,
    2. part of the Cartier Regional Water Co-op along with the RMs of Cartier, Headingley and St. Francois Xavier, and
    3. partnering with the City of Winnipeg in CentrePort Canada, with the bulk of CentrePort's industrial, business, and recreational development being done within the RM of Rosser.
    On a personal note, I have been honoured to represent the RM of Rosser over the past 18 years. I am torn in suggesting the municipality, with its proud past and industrious future, be transferred to another electoral district. Unfortunately, it is the most logical change to make in respect to the electoral redistribution mandate.

Accounting for these suggested amendments to the Commission's proposal to these three ridings, the population figures and variances would be as follows:

Federal Electoral District 2021 Population Variance from Average
Portage - Lisgar 96,724 +0.89%
Selkirk - Interlake - Eastman 100,209 +4.52%
Winnipeg West 98,867 +3.13%
Provincial Riding Average 95,868

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