Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 35 (24 août 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

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Rural Municipality Of Mountain

August 24th, 2022

Electoral Boundaries Commnission for Manitoba
Cargil Building
240 Graham Ave
2nd Floor, Suite 210
Winnipeg, MB R3C OJ7
Via Email:

Dear Commission

Re: Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022

Attached please find Resolution No. 2022/259 from the RM of Mountain, representing our position not in favor of the proposed boundary realignment. We understand that the review is necessary in order to keep boundaries current, however the RM of Mountain have reviewed the proposal and note the following concerns:

Difference in Economy. Currently the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa District shares many similarities of economy in relation to the RM of Mountain. Strong ties to the agriculture industry band the area together and form a large variety of concerns that must be voiced by our federal representative. The RM of Mountain fear that the agricultural voice will be lost, were our area to be amalgamated with the Churchill-Keewatinook Aski District due to the lack of agricultural farming in that area.

Geographic Location. We understand that there is a need to realign boundaries based on population, however there are other factors that should be considered. One such consideration is the closeness of the Swan River Valley municipalities and their dependance on each other. The proposed realignment separates the RM of Mountain from the rest of the Swan River Valley and would hinder our collective voice for certain issues that we all face. We feel that aligning boundaries whether it be federal or provincial, that this dependance should be considered and not separate these municipalities into different districts.

We appreciate the commissions duties and the necessity to review such boundaries, however we would appreciate reviewing the geographical and economical areas that you are considering. Both positions offer many reasonings to keep the RM of Mountain area within the current Swan River-Dauphin-Neepawa district.

We appreciate your consideration into this matter. If you have any questions, or require clarification please contact the RM of Mountain at the address below.

Paige Wozny, CMMA
Chief Administrator Officer

Telephone: (204) 236-4222
Fax: (204) 236-4773

200 Drury Ave., P.O. Box 155
Birch River, MB
R0L 0E0

The Rural Municipality Of Mountain

200 Drury Ave , Birch River , Manitoba , ROL 0E0
Tel: 204-236-4222



August 24, 2022
Resolution # 2022/259

Moved By : Wilmer Malcolm

Seconded By : Nestor Rizok

Wheras the Federal Government is currently calling for participation in the review of the proposed Federal Electorial Districts Redistrbution for 2022;

And Whereas under the current proposal, the Rural Municipality of Mountain would now be a part of the Churchill - Keewatinook Aski District and be removed from the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa District;

And Whereas the RM of Mountain does not support this proposal mostly in part due to the economic differences and lack of representation for our area;

Therefore Be It Resolved That Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby make submission to the Manitoba Federal Electoral Commission not in favor of such proposal based on the above mentioned reasonings.

  • For: 5
  • Against: 
  • Abstain: 1


I, Paige Wozny, Chief Administrative Officer of the Rural Municipality of Mountain, hereby certify under the corporate seal of the Municipality, that the foregoing is a true and correct copy.

Paige Wormy, CAO

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