Commentaire 36 (25 août 2022) – commentaires et rétroaction
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Margaret Colledge
Although the name "Winnipeg West" is a distinct improvement on the current mouthful, the proposed boundary changes would not lead to a cohesive constituency. Currently most wards in St James-Assiniboia are urban, voting is relatively balanced between the 3 major parties and the constituents have elected both Liberal and Conservative MPs over the years. Headingley is an outlier with residents who chose to live outside city limits and who overwhelmingly vote the same way as Portage-Lisgar.
The proposed expansion to the west would be a disservice to the rural communities brought into the riding as their needs would inevitably be overlooked by the dominance of the much more heavily populated urban wards.
It would make more sense for Headingley to become part of Portage-Lisgar and for Winnipeg West to expand further east to Route 90. A constituency whose boundaries are Route 90 to the east and the perimeter highway to the west would more accurately reflect "Winnipeg West".
Margaret Colledge