Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Spencer Roth

I'm writing you with regards to the redistribution of electoral ridings. I currently reside in the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood in Toronto. Those of us who live below the Esplanade, but who are part of the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood, have been cleaved from our neighbours just on the other side of the street, who are in a completely different electoral district.

Currently I am part of Toronto's Spadina-Fort York, where my neighbours literally across the street are part of Toronto Centre. While I understand the importance of maintaining a balance between electoral districts, we are completely separated from all of our neighbours on the north side of the Gardiner expressway. Often, politicians do not even realize that we are in a different electoral district because it does not seem to make sense that only a small section of the St. Lawrence neighbourhood below the Esplanade from Church to Parliament are in a completely different riding, with no connection to Spadina-Fort York. This division and exclusion also applies to our friends in The Distillery District to the east of us. It would make far more sense for us to be included in Toronto Center with all of our neighbours, as our local issues tend to be different than those of our current electoral district.

We would very much appreciate the redistribution process to correct this error, which was committed during the last round of redistribution 10 years ago. Thank you for your attention in this matter, as we strive to be reunited with those in our own neighborhood associations.


Spencer Roth

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