Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Barb Lawson

I am writing to express my concern about and opposition to the proposed redrawing of electoral boundaries that will impact my area. I currently live in the Lanark, Frontenac, Kingston riding which made no sense to me when that decision was made. Now the idea of being included in Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott is even more puzzling.

I am a resident of the city of Kingston, albeit north of the 401, and, as such, it would appear to me to make the most sense to have the WHOLE city in one riding. (How many other cities of this size have their citizens in two different ridings?) all of my business and personal connections are in Kingston. I shop, see my health care professionals, bank, attend functions or theatres, and socialize within Kingston. If I go to a government office,I go to Kingston. Police and fire services are from Kingston. My property taxes are paid to the city of Kingston. In other words, my life centres around Kingston! I would also suggest that this is the case for most of us living In the city of Kingston but north of the 401!

I ask that you consider the lives of individuals and not just numbers.


Barb Lawson

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