Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 15 commentaires et rétroaction

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Leonard Lovely

While I understand that our is growing and redistribution is required, however, the configuration as suggested poses problems

  • the town of HH is made up of 3 parts
    • Georgetown
    • Acton
    • the areas and communities in between
  • Riding in Georgetown runs down to Oakville border

My suggestion would be to keep HH as one riding, or to connect GT to Milton North other than GT to Milton East.

In GT alone has approved a subdivision for 19 thousand people, between Trafalger
And 8 th line, site work has started and this area will generate approx 10 thousand voters.

Let's keep HH as one riding,

I agree to allow my opinion to go public.


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