Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Karyn J

I read with concern the proposed boundary change to Guelph and Wellington federal electoral districts. I do not think it is in south Guelph's best interests to be taken out of the Guelph riding and added to a mostly rural Wellington-Halton riding that does not reflect the communities' needs and interests. Guelph is a contained city surrounded by rural farmland, and taking part of the city out of the riding will isolate those residents.

As south Guelph is a newer part of Guelph, it has often been seen as "not part of Guelph" to longtime residents. Residents in south Guelph work, live and spend money in Guelph and consider themselves full community members of the city. Isolating the south Guelph area from the rest of the city with a new Federal riding will serve only to make the divide between south Guelph and the rest of Guelph bigger, when what should be considered is a way to make Guelph more united. As well, the largely rural riding of Wellington-Halton would not reflect the needs of the urban/suburban area of south Guelph.

I understand that it is difficult to balance federal ridings, especially when there is an enormous amount of growth in the province. I appreciate the hard work that is required to ensure ridings reflect the population and needs of all Ontarians. Please reconsider your proposal to annex south Guelph from the rest of the city.

Thank you for your consideration,


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