Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 15 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ben Lefebvre

The proposal to eliminate a federal riding in Northern Ontario in order to redistribute it to some southern riding is not only misguided and unfair, it is ludicrous!

Attending to residents' needs is difficult enough given the distances travelled to access services from our MP's office staff. Winter driving is quite treacherous in the north and even more so with the effect of climate change and how that has affected road conditions through our lengthy winter months.

Unless you live in the north or know someone who can relay these difficulties to you personally, I invite you to come up to visit us in the midst of winter to see for yourselves.

Please reconsider this proposed change to our northern riding boundaries. They have changed significantly already, and seemingly always for the worst.

Ben Lefebvre

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