Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Sandra Holmberg

RE: Erasure of the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing Riding Territory

I would prefer to be writing to you in terms of an amendment in boundaries in the North in a positive light. This would be the case had I come across the news that the Commission was adding more ridings in Northern Ontario. Unfortunately, I deduce from reputable sources that there will be an elimination of the above mentioned riding in its entirety. As a person that has political candidacy experience within the north, and a lifelong resident of the same, I am outraged at this potential decision. I can only assume it is based off of fiduciary requirements on the part of the federal government. A more discerning look at the region would dictate that Northern Ontario requires more ridings, certainly not fewer.

Lumping MacDonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional Township, as well as neighboring rural municipalities, with Sault Ste. Marie is a mistake. The riding of Sault Ste. Marie has very unique needs and these services may be watered- down as a result of this amalgamation. Sault Ste. Marie is already currently at the bottom of the priority list at the legislature. A move such as this would exacerbate this ongoing scenario. The constituents of both Sault Ste. Marie as well as Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing can deduce that their needs differ, and thus, Parliament should take this into consideration as well. As a resident of a rural municipality I feel as though federal and provincial agri-funding is vital to our success in northern agriculture. Again, a division that has been not viewed as a priority for some time. What would be the result of proposed government funding if the ridings were to combine? I venture to guess the outcome would be more bleak than it is currently. The platform I want to view as a voter in a rural area differs from that of an urban resident.

When the North of Ontario sits down at legislature it is not impossible to see that the voices of the North are few and this decision will further dilute their presence, and subsequently the collective voices of the residents of Northern Ontario as a whole. The riding of Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing is an enormous swath to cover politically, hence why the majority of people in this riding would prefer redistribution in smaller scales. If for nothing more than access to their constituency office. Many offices do an adequate job at addressing the concerns of their constituents, yet, some are subpar in this respect. Surely, combining ridings will not rectify this situation. I look forward to the public participation hearing on October 26, 2022. I do note however, that Northern Ontario is combined with Eastern Ontario and Ottawa, as per your Website. In addition, larger ridings have in-person participation and Northern Ontario is virtual only. I do hope that representatives from Northern Ontario will have ample time to speak.


Sandra Holmberg, B.A.

Echo Bay, Ontario Constituent

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