Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 52 commentaires et rétroaction

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Monique Alexander

I am very concerned for the district of Algoma/Manitoulin, Sables/Spanish/Sagamok, and many small towns in north eastern ontario. We will not have proper representation in Ottawa if Soo Ste. Marie and Sudbury are taking over our beautiful small towns along the north shores. We have worked hard at having a voice yet now the Government wants to get rid of many hard working MP.s who truly work for us. We need to continue keeping our rich, and wonderful areas to have our unique issues heard and not to be swept under a larger territory in these hard times. We have to have our say as well as anyone else in Southern Ontario and if we remove these special M.P.s and M.P.P.s, we fear that we will have no voice in our own unique and rich districts. When I say rich, I am speaking of the lands that are farmed, tourism, the right to raise a family in a rule setting without fighting tooth and nail to get services and the care we all deserve. We all pay taxes and deserve the same rights as Sudbury or Soo Ste. Marie On. Thank you for reading my letter and I hope to hear good news. Sincerely, Monique Alexander

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