Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Peggy Johnson, CMO, CAO, Clerk-Treasurer of the Township of Chapple

Redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts

Please be advised that the following resolution was duly approved and passed at the regular meeting of Council for the Corporation of the Township of Chapple on September 13, 2022:

"That the Township of Chapple supports the resolution of the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls to oppose the proposed changes to the federal electoral boundaries in Northern Ontario that would eliminate one Federal riding and would not allow for adequate representation for the region."

Our northern region has diverse and unique interests which are quite different from on another and deserve adequate diverse representation in Ottawa. Please consider it the vast land landmass that already exists within our electoral boundary and refrain from extending any boundary that reduces northern ridings and representatives.


Peggy Johnson, CMO COA/Clerk-Treasurer

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