Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Louise Young

I live in Chelmsford and I am against the merging of Nickel Belt (Valey East, Azilda, Chelmsford, Dowling, Onaping Falls, Levack) with Elliot Lake, Espanola, Blind River and Manitoulin Island to form a new Manitoulin-Nickel Belt Riding.

In my opinion this would drastically reduce the availability of our MP's time and thus representation in each of our unique municipalities. It will mean less representation in the House of Commons!

There will be less federal funding distributed to Northern Ontario ridings through programs such as Canada Summer Jobs.

I also have to take issue with the only available hearing to personally voice my opinion being in Timmins! Have the people responsible for these decisions ever been to Northern Ontario? That location isn't even in our district and for myself would be over a 2-hour drive away. It would take much longer for someone in Blind River or Elliot Lake. Shame on you!

I must insist you re-evaluate this decision and leave our federal electoral boundaries as they are! We might be out of site here in the North but we need not also be deemed out of mind!


Louise Young

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