Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 4 commentaires et rétroaction

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Lynn Lefevre

I am writing this message in order to file my concerns about the proposed changes to the Orleans Riding. Under this proposal, Blackburn Hamlet would be moved from Orleans to the Vanier riding. I feel that this is a mistake.

Blackburn Hamlet is directly adjacent to Orleans and is physically separated from the proposed Vanier riding by a large greenbelt. Many of the residents have a close association with Orleans and very few ties to Vanier. In addition to the current Federal boundary, our Municipal and Provincial ridings also reinforce this connection to Orleans. Another area of similarity between Blackburn Hamlet and Orleans is the largely suburban nature for both, while Vanier has a number of areas that would be considered urban.

I urge you to reconsider the communities of interest, identity and history when redrawing the riding of Orleans and keep Blackburn Hamlet a part of the Orleans riding.

Thank you.

Ms Lynn Lefevre

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