Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 8 commentaires et rétroaction

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Dave W. Palmer & Elizabeth Palmer

RE: Map 10 proposed electorate Kanata

We live in Bells Corners, Nepean, not Kanata. We do not agree with the community of Westcliffe Estates being lumped in with Kanata.

As longtime residents of Bells Corners, we are members of a community that is part of Bells Corners NOT Kanata. If anything the section "Westcliffe Estates" should be a part of either "Ottawa-West Nepean" or "Carleton". Bells Corners and its residents have been part of Nepean for decades. Attaching westcliffe estates to kanata is wrong. Please adjust this appropriately.

Thank you,

Dave W. Palmer Elizabeth Palmer

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